Director of Community Engagement

A young Asian girl stands in a white gazebo alongside a road of shirt trees and suburban housing. She smiles, wearing black framed glasses with a black suit and a blouse.

Jennifer Yu


Jennifer Yu is a high school senior living in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Jennifer uses her personal experience to raise awareness and advocate for teens struggling with eating disorders. Notably, she gave the Ted Talk “Rewriting Society’s Definition of Health.” Jennifer is an ambassador for the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action (EDC) where she lobbies for increased funding for scientific research on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders. Additionally, she serves on the Program of Weight and Eating Research (POWER) Teen Advisory Board at Yale University, where she conducts research to examine the impact educational resources have on eating disorder awareness amongst educators. In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys exploring local cafes and experimenting with graphic design.


Co-Founder & Director of Programming


Chief Financial Officer